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Starting in 2017, Naomi wanted to offer affordable physical activity to as many people as possible. Using the knowledge and skills learned during her sports science degree, exercise physiology masters, teaching career, and love for health and fitness, Strong21 was born.

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What We Do

From me to You

The biggest lesson I have learned throughout my personal fitness journey, and the one I promote to all my members and clients is to change the way we approach food, fitness and fat loss. Your size or shape doesn’t define you and the scales shouldn’t be your only target. Exercise might feel hard at first, but with every workout you do, it will get easier to commit to and will bring more satisfaction when you see improvements. Don’t worry about what you can’t do, and start focusing on what you can do. Even one percent of effort is better that nothing at all.​


We Train to be STRONG, not skinny, eat to be NOURISHED, not thin and workout to BUILD, not just burn.


I don't want you to lose weight in 6 weeks. I want you to build habits that keep you in shape for the next 60 years. You have one body so don’t spend your whole life tearing it down in the name of ‘looking better’. As the saying goes "if all you care about is looking better, it may cost you your health. But if you care about your health, you'll probably love the way you look"


So, from me to you, I hope you are giving yourself the credit you deserve! At Strong21 we are here to support your journey, push you to achieve your goals and to be happy, healthy and whole


Love Naomi x

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